gPhotoShow Pro - Tutorials

Video Tutorials

Learn how to use gPhotoShow Pro with video tutorials

Screen Saver on the local computer

gPhotoShow can be used as a screen saver on the local computer, this means it can display pictures and videos while you are not using the computer. In this quick start tutorial you will see how to configure the screen saver. 

Create Slideshows for distribution

gPhotoShow can create standalone slideshows or screen savers that can be distributed royalty free. Standalone slideshow means that the resulting executable won't need gPhotoShow or the original files anymore then it can be freely distributed. ...

Create Slideshows on the local computer

gPhotoShow can be used to create slideshows that can be easily started on your the local computer, this kind of slideshows are basically gPhotoShow configuration files saved on your disk. When you wish to start a slideshow just run gPhotoShow ...

Desktop Slideshow

gPhotoShow can be used to create slideshows that can be easily started on your the local computer, Desktop slideshow is a slideshow that runs on the windows desktop, under all running programs.

How to configure plugins

gPhotoShow Pro can be used as screen saver on the local computer or to create slideshows, here is the procedure to configure installed plugins for the local screen saver. 

Flickr Windows Screen Saver

How to create a Flickr Screen Saver with gPhotoShow Pro and Flickr PlugIn