gPhotoShow Pro - Download

gPhotoShow Pro Download


Current Version: 9.0.14

Released: February 14, 2025

Changes List


Trial/Full Version - When not registered this is a fully functional 30 days trial. Registered users (users who purchased a license) can use these installation files for a new installation or to upgrade older versions. 

Upgrade Notice for registered users: All users who purchased gPhotoShow Pro on or after September 1st, 2022 can upgrade to gPhotoShow Pro 9.x free of charge. The program will start unregistered, just enter your current registration key.
All users of previous versions can upgrade to the latest version at a reduced price. If you have further questions see our Upgrade FAQ or contact us 

gPhotoShow Pro 9 is released in two variants, GL and DX

GL is the main version, uses OpenGL HW acceleration, it has additional HW accelerated transitions and 360 degrees spherical panorama viewer
DX uses DirectX 9 HW acceleration, it has a broader compatibility with older systems
If you have a recent PC running windows 11 download the GL variant, if your system is more than 6 years old it is possible the GL version has troubles, you can try it and in case of problems first try to update your display adapter drivers then if the problem is not fixed install the DX variant

After downloading, double-click the downloaded file in Windows Explorer to start the installer.

gPhotoShow Pro v9.0.14 - 64bit GL Version

gPhotoShow Pro v9.0.14 64bit GL + selected plugins (RSS, Flickr, Clock, Weather)

gPhotoShow Pro v9.0.14 - 64bit DX Version

gPhotoShow Pro v9.0.14 - 32bit DX Version


Previous versions

These are older gPhotoShow Pro versions, download them only if you already have a license for them and don't wish to upgrade or if you are still using Windows XP or Vista

gPhotoShow Pro v8.5.5 64 bit

gPhotoShow Pro v8.5.5 32 bit

gPhotoShow Pro v7.4.10

gPhotoShow Pro v6.6.3 Unicode

gPhotoShow Pro v5.2.2

gPhotoShow Pro v5.2.2 Unicode

gPhotoShow Pro v4.8.7

gPhotoShow Pro v4.8.7 Unicode



These PlugIns can be used only with gPhotoShow Pro 3.5.0 and later

This PlugIn displays a news ticker over the slideshow. News are downloaded from RSS feeds of your choice. In addition this plugin can also download photos, videos and other media from RSS feeds. For example you can use it to download photos from Flickr, Picasa, Panoramio and other photo galleries.

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With this PlugIn it is possible to download public and private photos from Flickr Photostreams, Groups, Sets and Favorite Photos. (click to see how to use gPhotoShow as Flickr Screen Saver )

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The Clock plugin displays an analog clock and optionally the current date over the slideshow

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The Weather Info plugin displays weather current conditions and forecasts

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The ImgFilters plugin can filter and enhance all images or a single image. Available filters are: Gamma correction, Auto-Levels, Local Contrast Enhancement, Unsharp Mask, Black & White (Grayscale), Sepia.

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The NewPhotos PlugIn allows you to display new photos on your computer as soon as they are copied to a specific folder.

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An Energy Saving PlugIn ! With this PlugIn it is possible to switch off/on  connected monitors at a specified hour of the day (weekly programming) or after a specified amount of time. It is also possible to shutdown the system, put it in standby or hibernation

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The MQTT Client PlugIn allows gPhotoShow to connect to a MQTT broker. This allows gPhotoShow to receive commands and display info on the screen.

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The UDP Remote Control PlugIn is a simple plugin to remotely con gPhotoShow.

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With this PlugIn it is possible to change slideshow on-the-fly by pressing a hotkey. It is also possible to open a windows and select the SlideShow. This plugin can be used in a home theater system or in a digital photo frame to change the slideshow by pressing a key or by using a remote control

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This PlugIn allows to overlay a logo or a watermark on pictures displayed by gPhotoShow Pro. The logo can be in jpg or png format, png files may contain an alpha channel for transparency effects (for example transparent background)

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This PlugIn allows you to schedule the display of specific folders. This can be useful to limited the display of some files to specific periods of time, for example they can be displayed only during work hours or specific days of the week

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Adds hotkeys to change or mute audio master volume during the slideshow

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PlugIns can be written in any language that can produce a dll. If you wish to write your own PlugIn, please contact us, we can provide c++ source code written for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0


Here are examples of standalone slideshows/screen saver created with gPhotoShow Pro

Slideshow GL with installer

Slideshow GL without installer

Slideshow DX with installer

Slideshow DX without installer

Slideshow 360 degrees pano with installer

Screen Saver Pan&Zoom with Installer

Other Downloads

InnoSetup is a free program to build installers to distribute software and it is used by gPhotoShow to build installers for standalone slideshows and screen savers

InnoSetup v5.6.1