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Google Connect Plugin - add features?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:01 pm
by umbilicalbungee
I'm loving the Google Connect Plugin, but wish it could go a bit further than it does.

When selecting All Photos it pulls in many albums that I don't want in the slide show, however when selecting specific folders there is not option for the default "Photos" (non-album) location where new pictures are placed. I'd like those to be selectable for the slide show.

I found a few not great workarounds like creating an "auto album" with certain people's faces and selecting that one for the slide show.

I'd also like the option to add folders from multiple google accounts to include my partner's photos automatically. Again I've tried some workarounds with not great results such as using the "partner share" feature that copies all of another user's photos (or those with certain faces) to your own account. This is problematic because my partner's deletions don't sync to my account, so we both have to do double the editing! (I know this is a google problem, but...)

Oh I'd also like to have albums that are shared with me by other users to appear on the list to select for the slideshow.

Thanks for considering adding one or both of these features!

Re: Google Connect Plugin - add features?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:23 pm
by gpb
Thank you for your feedback, unfortunately on the api used by gPhotoShow there is no special location named "Photos", I guess the google app and web site simply label "Photos" the location where they display all photos regardless of the album.
About other features, for now there is no plan. Working with google api is quite complicated because of the restrictions imposed by google. For this reason I don't think it is possible to handle more than one account at a time.