Some of the major new features include:
- New: Scrapbook mode. Pictures are piled up like a scrapbook
- New: Added option to first display newly added files in random mode
- New: Added options to split any monitor into a configurable number of parts
- New: Added options to combine stretch and crop to fit images to screen
- New: Added more options for automatic color calculation for frame and background
- New: Added options to filter images for their size (width or height)
- New: Added options to exclude files older or newer than a specified date
- New: Image information can be displayed for a limited time (DirectX only)
- New: Sounds can be paused together with slideshow
- New: Now it is possible to perform real pause/resume operation on sounds instead of stop/play next
- New: Pan&Zoom, zoom level now can be set at a fixed value
- New: Pan&zoom, animation nodal points can be customized
- New: Added an option to limit video play to only one file even on system with more than one monitor
- New: Added an option to start video playback from a random point (VLC Only)
- Fixed: When filters exclude a high number of files they are displayed almost sequentially
- Fixed: The option to stop sounds when video is playing often didn't work correctly