HEIC support

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HEIC support

Post by KevR »

I'm a long-time user of both gPhotoShow and Wallpaper Slideshow Pro, and I've recently started taking a lot more photos with my iPhone than with my dSLR which means most of them are stored in HEIC format.

I was surprised to note that while gPhotoShow supports HEIC on Windows 10 via the Windows Store codec, WSS Pro doesn't. Are there plans to add compatibility to WSS or is this some sort of technical limitation? I understand WSS works by re-writing everything to a large BMP on the fly anyway so I can't imagine there's a technical barrier, but when Microsoft is involved who knows?

I could convert my HEICs to JPGs and store them separately for WSS purposes, but I'd rather keep everything native if possible. At the moment this is no more than a slight irritation (probably less than 5% of my photos are HEIC) but as I will no doubt take more photos with Apple hardware it's going to become more significant.

I hope this is something that's in the pipeline, but either way thanks for providing some great software that's still the best of its type IMO. I've just checked my email correspondence and the first mention of gPhotoShow is from 2003, and I've never found anything more feature-rich in all the time since. That's some impressive longevity.
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Re: HEIC support

Post by gpb »

WallpaperSS Pro should load and display heic files in the same way as gPhotoShow Pro.
Did you add heic file extension in Settings->Option->general ? In the middle of the window there is a ckecbox labeled "Additional file extension", tick the ckeckbox and add "heic" (without quotes!) in the text box
This should be enough to find heic files and load them when building wallpaper
Gianpaolo Bottin
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