Windows capable single-board alternative to a raspberry PI dedicated to running gPhotoShow?

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Windows capable single-board alternative to a raspberry PI dedicated to running gPhotoShow?

Post by Ray »

I have been looking for a descent single-board windows capable computer like the Raspberry PI for some time now, unfortunately without much luck. I was wondering if anyone else here on the board has experience using such a computer for this particular purpose, my main motivation is to create a really low power draw 24/7 picture frame / visual screen that I can just leave on without having to worry about energy consumption too much.

Much of the things I run into are obscure, hard to find and/or to get shipped to Europe.

It should preferably be able to play video, have usb support, network support (for using slideshow libraries across the network), (SATA connection(s) for running the OS / slideshow of a SSD instead of SD card), and use the latest directx version for acceleration and maximum support for the slideshow via it's probably onboard graphics chip.

Does anyone have any experience, tips, recommendations on the subject? Any help would be appreciated :).

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