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Running multiple instances at once

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:18 pm
by Ray

I was wondering if there is a way to run multiple instances of the gPhotoShow screensaver.

I have a three monitor setup (1xtv, 2x computer display). On the TV, I usually want to run a .gss TV screensaver (With all my videos and such), but now the crux, would it be also possible to run a separate screensaver on my other two computer monitors at the same time, without having to build/setup/merge/filter multiple screensavers into a single screensaver. I have multiple .gss screensavers for different scenario's (monitor setups, etc, some only with the two computer screens only, and others with the tv screen only. I would really like to be able to run them side by side. I read in the past somewhere here on the boards about this being possible with the command line function, but I can't find the topic anymore, and I don't know how to run the screensaver via/from the command line, I was hoping you could explain this to me, if this is at all possible :).

Thanks in advance!


Re: Running multiple instances at once

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 9:46 pm
by gpb
running multiple instances of gPhotoShow is possible only from the command line. In the installation folder there is a text file with all available command line parameters, some of them allows you to run the slideshow on a specified monitor.
In this moment I can't help more since I am writing from a smartphone and I don't have a pc with me